The Forest Invasions Synthesis Centre , Prague at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences invites you to a lecture on
“Ecology of Forest Insect Invasions”
presented by Dr. Deepa Pureswaran from the Canadian Forest Service.
After the lecture, there will be a discussion with PhD students and early-career researchers about the organization of science and education in North America, as well as opportunities for future collaboration. Also joining in the discussion will be Dr. Angela Mech, University of Maine.
When & Where:
Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 2:00 PM
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, CZU Prague,
Wood Science Pavilion, Room: DP410.
We also invite you to join us online.
Dr. Andrew Liebhold, Chief Scientist, Forest Invasion Synthesis Centre, Prague
Deepa Pureswaran is a Research Scientist with the Canadian Forest Service, Atlantic Forestry Centre in Fredericton, NB, Canada. She has a BSc in Zoology from Chennai (Madras) India and MSc and PhD degrees in Biological Sciences from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada. Her research addresses the causes and consequences of climate change and international trade on the outbreak ecology of forest insects. Deepa supervises graduate students at the University of New Brunswick. In her spare time, she likes hiking, gardening and spending time with her family. She is always looking for enthusiastic graduate students and postdocs to join her research group.